“Solitary Portraits”

Rania Ayyoub as presented by Xico Inc.

April 2021

Ayyoub is an Arab American artist living in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. She works primarily in acrylic paint, marker and watercolor. She has three pieces in the permanent collection at Vertigo Gallery, one of which was featured on the cover of the Art Link newsletter for their December 2019 issue.
Moved to attempt a public mural in honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her passing, her portrait of the late Justice was widely well-received, garnered media attention and an interview to spotlight the piece on NBC’s channel 12 news.
While Rania mostly paints softly surreal portraits, she is just as passionate about activism and often blends the two. Ayyoub's portraits reflect on themes of life in solitary. Being alone with yourself and the difficulties of dealing with that kind of company.