“A Glorious Restoration” El Tepeyac de Los Angeles Mural The St. Lucy’s Church Mural Restoration Project 1993-2020


March 2021

“A Glorious Restoration” (Project)

"A Glorious Restoration" (Project) is a Virtual Exhibition in partnership with Maria Kane and Geroge Yepes. Highlighting the Restoration Project of "El Tepeyac de Los Angeles" (1993-2020) Mural at St. Lucy’s Church. In this exhibition, Xico presents images from the project and the team that made it possible. For canvas renditions of imagery from the mural check out the partner exhibition by the same name "A Glorious Restoration" (works on canvas).

“A Glorious Restoration” (Works On Canvas)

"A Glorious Restoration" (Works on Canvas) is a Virtual Exhibition in partnership with Maria Kane and Geroge Yepes. Highlighting the work of seven artists as they repaired "El Tepeyac de Los Angeles" (1993-2020) Mural at St. Lucy’s Church. Xico presents canvas paintings of images from the mural project as created by the Academia de Arte Yepes (Maria Kane, Saul Aguilera, Benjamin Morales, Ricardo Estrada, Cristal Haro, Gene Ortega, Diego Lopez, and Kevin Sepulveda). For more information on the mural project check out the partner exhibition by the same name "A Glorious Restoration" (Project).

In 1993, the “El Tepeyac de Los Angeles” mural first appeared on the front facade of the St. Lucy’s Catholic Church in the neighborhood of City Terrace, East Los Angeles. Since then, it had stood untouched for 27 years as a beacon of hope and faith for the communities of East Los Angeles. In early April of 2020, “El Tepeyac de Los Angeles” the mural was damaged by accident. A 12-foot X 12-foot section of the front facade of the church was destroyed along with a section of the “El Tepeyac de Los Angeles” mural. Resulting in an urgent need to repair the front damage to the church and mural, along with a renewed interest to renovate the entire mural to its original 1993 splendor.

Under the direction and leadership of Master Painter George Yepes and the Academia de Arte Yepes (Maria Kane, Saul Aguilera, Benjamin Morales, Ricardo Estrada, Cristal Haro, Gene Ortega, Diego Lopez, and Kevin Sepulveda) together as part of their expression of faith and their continued sacred vow to the Virgen de Guadalupe, were able to approach the massive detailed work to completely restore the “El Tepeyac de Los Angeles” mural. To accomplish the complete restoration project the Academia de Arte Yepes braved 12-hour workdays, seven days per week, and were exposed to the elements for two months. They worked through Southern Californias’ Summer of 2020 sweltering heatwaves accompanied with intermittent ash-filled amber-colored skies caused by record-high regional wildfires and daily triple-digit temperatures in the shade! Burdened by extraordinarily difficult times, nationally and locally, the Academia de Arte Yepes painters were able to continue and persevere through the completion of the massive rehabilitation of the “El Tepeyac de Los Angeles” mural. The Academia de Arte Yepes allotted the materials, equipment, and expenses needed to complete the entire refurbishment of the mural.

Academia de Arte Yepes:

In 1992, Painter/Muralist George Yepes, founded the Academia de Arte Yepes, as the first free mural art academy for young students from Los Angeles. The Academia de Arte Yepes started as an 8-year after-school mural art program for 10 year old students from local schools in East Los Angeles. Soon in 1993, trailblazing twenty years ahead of time, the Academia de Arte Yepes evolved into a series of interdisciplinary after-school programs. Now, in 2021, merging science, technology, and mathematics to gain a quality education and real-world applicable skills does not seam like a new concept. But way back in 1993, twenty years before the STEAM Program (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) took form across US schools nationally, the Academia de Arte Yepes in East Los Angeles in 1993 had already began to produce a series of ten interdisciplinary Art, Science, and Space murals with NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in Pasadena, CA. In 1993 the Academia de Arte Yepes answered the national mandate set by NASA to cultivate and inspire the next generation of explorers. To generate renewed interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, the Academia de Arte Yepes in partnership with NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana: established and implemented a fourteen-year National Educational Pilot Program: "The Marriage of Art, Science, and Technology”.


George Yepes Bio:

In 1992, George Yepes was named "El Fuego de Los Angeles" (The Fire of Los Angeles) by the Los Angeles City Council. In 1997, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction named George Yepes to the State Task Force on the Visual and Performing Arts for the California Department of Education. In 1997, the Mayor and Los Angeles City Council inducted George Yepes as a "Treasure of Los Angeles." In 1999, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously adopted a resolution commending George Yepes for establishing a training program that assisted teachers to effectively implement State Learning Standards for the Visual Arts. For over 46 years, from East Los Angeles, through Princeton, Harvard, NASA, Dubai, and Hollywood's Silver Screens, George Yepes continues to be an ambassador of Art and Culture for the City of Los Angeles. On

June 20, 2018, George Yepes was awarded the "City of Los Angeles Icon de Artes Medal”. The four decades-long art career of George Yepes has established him as one of the top Artists that Los Angeles has ever produced. www.georgeyepes.com

Maria Kane Bio:

In Seoul, South Korea; -- Kang, Soohyun (Maria Jean Kane) was born on New Years Eve. Late on the night of her birth, the servants were ordered to burn Soohyun and her twin sister, Moon-Su, before dumping them in the trash. Both babies were placed in a cloth sack and thrown into the fire. As the sack caught fire, Moon-Su rolled and pushed Soohyun out of the sack and onto the floor. One servant panicked under the weight of the omen and ran back into the house with the burning baby. On that morning of New Year’s day, three Catholic Nuns from the Star of the Sea Orphanage in Seoul, were making their regular rounds searching for babies in the trash dumpsters of Tap Tong, a village just outside of Seoul; they found none that day. When they returned to the Star of the Sea, they found a basket at the front door of the church. Inside the basket, wrapped in a silk blanket, was a 'well fed', but badly burnt, baby girl. The baby was pronounced dead on arrival, but 'woke up' when Sister Bernadette picked her up. Three months later, Kilcha Chang and her husband John A. Kane - US Air Force, walked into the Star of the Sea Orphanage. They were Soohyun's soon-to-be adoptive parents. (Chang, Kilcha) was born in Inchon, South Korea. Her family had lost their wealth and land in Inchon to the Communists. Her mother died during the War. Her father and sister (Chang, Fosi Pun) had dis-owned her when she married John Kane. John Kane, re-named Soohyun, “Maria”, after the Madonna. Maria grew up as the Kane family traveled from Base to Base; her education spanned the limits of her imagination. It was in San Antonio where Maria settled in and majored in Art, and found her best art teachers, Mr. Garcia & Mr. Garza. After graduation she worked two jobs including six years with the United Parcel Service; moved into the Blue Star Arts Complex in San Antonio's Art District;...and painted at night. Maria still has the burn marks on her legs and the silk blanket from The Star of the Sea Orphanage. It is unknown if Maria's twin sister, Moon-Su, survived the fire. But, if you find Moon-Su; let her know that her sister, Soohyun, is alive and well, and is a Painter in Los Angeles, California USA. mariakkane.com

Cristal Haro Bio:

Cristal Haro studied Studio Art at California State University, Los Angeles. She joined George Yepes; Academia de Arte Yepes at age twelve, where she learned how to paint in the Academic tradition of The Renaissance Masters. In 2020, Cristal collaborated with George Yepes and Academia de Arte Yepes in restoring the “Tepeyac de Los Angeles,” mural.

Saul Aguilera Bio:

Saul Aguilera is an artist who sets to capture, through the arts, the history, traditions, and stories of our people. Additionally, honoring the ability to koeg’zist with other individuals. Aguilera’s rendition of El Tepeyac de Los Angeles (Madonna with Slain Youth) is included as part of Academia de Arte Yepes St. Lucy’s Church Mural Restoration Project 1993-2020. The painting mirrors the left-center panel of the restored mural, which depicts the Madonna holding the body of a blind-folded youth. Symbolic of Saint Lucy as the patron saint of the blind. Instagram: saul_art

Benjamin Morales Bio:

Benjamin Morales completed his BFA (Illustration) from the Kansas City Art Institute in the Spring of 2002. That Fall he begins his Art Teaching career. In those early years, he learned the influence of a Community that supports the Arts. Along with his students, Mr. Morales created murals and site-specific art installations at cultural community centers. Eager to augment his teaching practice, Benjamin returned to the Boyle Heights neighborhood and completed a Fellowship at the Armory Center for the Arts. Benjamin continued serving the youth of the Lawndale School District while under contract with P.S. Arts. Mr. Morales has attended workshops, seminars, and professional development training with Art21and UCLArts and Healing. In 2014 he had the honor to present at the White House STEAM Faire hosted by the Presidential Committee of Arts and Humanities. Benjamin Morales paints in his home studio and is actively exhibiting artwork in community galleries and other creative venues. Website(s): Instagram: @bjaminmorales Facebook: @BjaminMorales

Kevin Sepulveda Bio:

Kevin Sepulveda is an artist based in Los Angeles, California, and a member of Academia de Arte Yepes.

Articles About the Restoration:

Museum Monday: East L.A. Muralist George Yepes Restoration of ‘El Tepeyac de Los Angeles’ (Aug 31, 2020):

Museum Monday: Artist George Yepes Restoration of the Saint Lucy’s Catholic Church Mural. A Progress Report. (Sept 7, 2020):

Artist George Yepes Mural Restoration and Mural Restoration Donations (Sept 31, 2020):

Go Fund Me Link: