Nāntli Cemanāhuatl

Works by Estephania González

December 2020

"Nāntli Cemanāhuatl is an installation consisting of projection mapped cloud sculptures paired with an experimental video. The clouds have altered images from the Hubble Space Telescope mapped onto their surfaces. The video is the first installment and beginnings of an experimental video series geared towards the development of my own cosmology. This narrative follows my body’s journey to the center of the galaxy, where I sacrifice my body to a black hole and I am reborn with sacred cosmological knowledge. This work uses various video performances, and animation to create the narrative. Nāntli Cemanāhuatl means mother universe in Nahuatl, the language belonging to the Mexica people of pre-Columbian Mexico. In my research, I focused on theories in physics such as the big bang theory, stellar evolution, and indigenous cosmologies. I am interested in using ‘outer space’ as a platform to explore and imagine narratives about our present time, a cosmology that tells a story from a multidimensional, multicultural, and multi layered perspective..."