Any artist who has experience as a printmaker has the opportunity to rent time in our studio to create prints. Studio Renters work independently to produce their own prints. Studio rental is designed specifically for individuals who have demonstrated an appropriate level of experience in printmaking and are granted access to work in one or more printmaking techniques, including relief, intaglio, monotype, screen printing and lithography. While Studio Renters are not required to have extensive experience in their chosen medium, we do require that they use the facilities correctly, independently, safely, and with consideration for other studio artists and staff.



To reserve studio time, all artists must attend orientation. As there are potential hazards in using the equipment and related materials, Xico assesses the technical abilities of artists during orientation. Please allow sufficient time for this process before you plan to reserve time. Orientations will be during the first 15 minutes on the first day of reservation. Please email to sign up.

Artists work independently during open studio hours when a studio monitor is present and pay a refundable security deposit.


Open Studio Hours:

Tuesday through Thursday

10am to 7pm

Email us at or call us at 480-833-5875 if you have any questions or if you are interested in reserving studio time.

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