“MÜLEN - TUWÜN, a dynamic past in the hybrid present”

Luisa Barrera Queupumil as presented by Xico Inc.

June 2021

Luisa Barrera Queupumil is an emerging visual artist, born and raised in the Araucanía Region, better known as Wallmapu, where two different cultures converge. Her work dialogues between ancestral and contemporary practices; clay, textile, painting, photo, and mixed media. In 2020, Luisa participated in the art exhibitions Sala Juan Egenau Virtual “Relatos Visuales” Chile, also was an artist in residence at Arqueología del Gesto from the Research Center REVUELO. By 2021 participated in the virtual exhibition “ONE DAY: Have you seen the future?” Austria, also upcoming a residence program at AADK Spain. Currently working and based in Valparaíso CL.

MÜLEN TUWÜN: The project is based on the relationship between cultures of origin and contemporary visual arts, experimenting around them. The main objective/purpose is to generate territorial and cultural contrast between two territories, using the concepts: MÜLEN, in mapudungun means to be in the dynamic present, in a different place from the origin. TUWÜN, in mapudungun, means the origin, where we come from, and this never changes.
ARCHIVO MOLAR 1906 - 2020: A collage exercise, mixing maps and teeth from Archivo General de Asuntos Indigenas (AGAI). Compiling information regarding reductions (grant titles), in these documents lives a testimony, which connects the year 1906 with the present.